Monday, March 31, 2008

get to know me a lil better

laily ask me to roll it, so i'm rolling here sista!
*lame lame i know*
so, here goes 8 randoms facts about myself

1. history turns me on, seriusly. while everybody complaint how much they hate it during high school, i love it. i can spend hours n hours watching the history channel or reading up on historical books. stories of King Henry or the Egyptian's pharaohs or Alexander the Great etc, these ppl, their life tales, their time period, the battles n how they shape our today's world is fascinating. so, museum is a must in my travel itinerary. There's a lot to learn from their mistakes n great achievement i must say. by da way, did u guys watch The Tudors series? Jonathan Rhys Myers is one HOT King Henry! ok, totally irrelevant here but still...

2. i love pillows. i need to have at least 2 pillows in my bed. if i only have one, i rather use it as bolster rather than alas kepala. dat being said, i can sleep perfectly well without pillow anywhere, anytime. i wouldn't be crowned the title 'Ratu Tidur' by Mat Shah for nothing, eyyyyy~

3. i am the ultimate domestic goddess when i am in extreme state of stress. i will clean the whole house, do my laundry plus the ironing, tidy up my study desk n bake n cook. when i said clean i mean sweep n mop the floor, clean the toilet n even scrub the tiles. even the windows are not spared. while i'm scrubbing the tiles i imagine it's the trigger of my stress n i am tonyoh-ing it in da face so hard, it's getting the punishment for making me so stressed out. i used to do this a lot back in Vista C so Nana n Muni, if u find our bathroom extra clean, u know wat it means *also becoz of the visit from dat tuttttt* but here, all the messes made by my super pig lazy rumet, x kuasa aku nk layan!

4. i can be so blur when it comes to understanding a guy's intention of being more than a friend. this one time a lil bit long ago, there tis one guy who is quite cute who rumours had it, fancy me *and i fancy him too*. so he finally ask me out after tons of smses -albeit we stay in da same building- so we went out, watch movie, eat yada yada the usual la. then on lrt rides home, we were talking about relationships and he ask "nk kapel tak?" which i respond with "if it's the right guy n if it's the right time, why not?" then we went on talking about other stuffs n then he ask again the same question n me being lumpi n all blurt out the same question. n he repeat for at least one or two times n still i'm firm on my answer. it wasn't some time later *about months later* that i finally got into thinking he might of meaning to ask me to be his GF. aihhh melepasss la. he's quite a catch i tell u. so, the next time anyone of u wanna make me ur GF, pls be clear...with words n actions

5. i was a naqibah back in school. yup, i was one of those konon alim ppl who walk around with holier-than-thou attitude who doesn't walk the talk. well, the rebellious one or u can say the black sheep of the family. the reason why i was nominated and choosen by seniors is so dat somehow i can change from being kurang ajar *yep, i was labeled dat becoz i hardly smile n give salam to seniors when i bump to them* to being the role model junior i guess?well, dat work very not well i can tell you, i nvr conduct any usrah session let alone join the weekly meeting at the surau or come down for a good junior bashing sessions in the girls musolla.i am not a big fan of doing a religious related thing without any ikhlasness attach to it so kalu dh setan tu, setan la jugak...wat say u ayuni, ketua naqibah kite? thehehehehehe

6. i never pass out for the last 23 almost 24 years i am on this planet. well, at least not as far as i remember. never do i ever had a nosebleed either. or break or at least crack any bone even after an MVA accident. it makes me feel as if i'm the weird one not to even experience this seemingly normal abnormal condition once in a while...make me think am i a freak? i mean every one of u at least experience it once right? not dat i'm complaining or anything, it just kinda like peer pressure *ok i'm crapping*

7. i dun know how to tell ppl off nicely i.e diplomatic. it just like this one social skill i never *yet* develop? if i dun like sumthing i just say, i dun like it...without all those yummy sugar coating laced words. i know it hurt lots of ppl but it can be frustrating sumtimes when u tel ppl off nicely or hinting to them about wat u dun like, they don't get it n they do it again n in the end u gonna burst out at them. n fear not, no one is spared, not even family members of mine n rest assured dat i am learning and trying to communicate better

8. i hate rain but i also love it. i hate the wetness but i love the cozy and cold ambiance dat nvr fails to make me pull up my comforter n sleep in esp in da morning. add in steamed tapioca with fried salted fish n freshly grated young coconut sprinkled with salt ahhhh heavennnn~

next stop would be nana, apih, nurule and ariff

Sunday, March 30, 2008

make it go away

just when i thought i can finally bid goodbye to my winter gear and don on my flowery dresses
these came parking on my front door

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yep...lotsa lotsa lotsa whitey white fluffy SNOW!

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biler winter nk abeh nih?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

hei, watcha doin' in da dark huh? *wink wink*

for one hour today do ur bit in letting Mother Earth take a breather by switching off ur light
a small step by u is a huge collective efforts by all of us

so today March 29th,2008 at 8pm
i'll be switching my lights off
wat about u?
do ur part

more on Earth Hour HERE

Friday, March 28, 2008

great man, greater woman

it's been a long day
with 2 small grp discussion back to back from 830 for 4 straight hr
i must say welcome to med school
i was as good as open sink without any filter
overfill and overflowing, regurgitate wat not
as i said: welcome to med school

the fact dat the faculty drag our Friday till 530 didn't help either
thank God for the free massage n aromatherapy demo
well, med school do have it perks once in a while

and for the first time here in Canada
i went to wat can be describe the closest u can get of nite life in KL
we went to watch MIDNITE movie!
well sort of

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the movie highlighted not the celebrated mistress Anne but her sister, the ever wallflower Mary Boleyn
both actresses portray the sibling rivalry excellently
i haven't read the book but at the end of the movie, i sumhow felt that the movie just don't do the book it's deserving justice

if u know the story of King Henry VIII u'll know of his most beloved mistress who brought a big change in England's history, forever change the face of England n gave him not the son he desired but a daughter who proves to be one of the great Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth
it's amazing to see how King Henry's obsession with procuring a male heir and scratched ego of being rejected by Anne drove him to defy the church and divorce his Queen n how the highly ambitious Anne would do anything to get wat she deemed as her due n what great motivation power n title n wealth can be

we have seen it again n again throughout the history how a great man brought down by a woman or great wars being fought over woman
who ever coined the phrase 'the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world' can never be wrong

it's not us woman the evil force here
it's not the man either who is weak when it comes to woman
it just the nature of man n woman
but we always can learn from the mistakes done

Thursday, March 27, 2008

never ever underestimate

"but i cannot marry the mole!"
the beautiful mouse cried in despair
"what one earth shall i do?"in her grieved stupor,
she stumbled on a corncake and fell in a heap
on the ground, and continued falling,
deeper and deeper, until she rolled no more.
a little thud echoed in the hollow.
through the darkness, she heard a gentle voice,
as comforting as the cool earth
beneath her dainty mice feet,
she heard the single strike of a match light,
lo and behold,
appeared a halo illuminating the sweetest brown face
"do not be afraid, my dear. it is i, mr mole."
her tiny heart gleamed with suprise,
for it was love at first sight.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


she's come full circle
i'm here at square one
she can do what she wants
i'm trying to do what she's done
now it seems that i'm ready
for you, so have we begun?

the universe is full of
reflections but you have eyes
that can see in another dimension
all the things that i've tried to hide
all my thoughts are just useful thinking
you found time to think of me
i guess it's true what they say in this lifetime
you just might find the thing that you need

you say we're moving forward
faster than we really know
your laughter slowly takes over
your confidence i'll never know

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

adam and his kak chik

this entry is dedicated to

she wrote sumthing about our elective trip to Langkawi
but she lost all the picto momentos so i graciously spent my oh-very-precious time digging out old photos
so tadaaaa!

Monday, March 24, 2008

monkey crush

as a kid, do u guys ever watch Casper?
yeah, Casper the friendly ghost
remember the boy who plays the human-boy Casper?

i remember hitting the pause button of the VCR player
*oh's was dat long time ago*

at the 56 sec moment just to stares at him
but hey, for an 11 year old he's a heartthrob ohkayyyyy?!
at least for an 11 year old me
*ha..gelak la gelak la*

Sunday, March 23, 2008

bunny tails

my Easter weekend was filled with sleepover n mkn2 n *window* shopping n movie nites wit the girls

on Friday we went to Deerfoot Outlet Mall
got meself a Roxy bag for 7 dolars n a white Smart Set wrap-around shirt for 7 dolars also!
movie nite 1:Dan in Real Life "You're a murderer of love!" and Enchanted

the on Saturday went to Market Mall
Guess got sale 40% on already reduced price!
but i dun have much money to spare
huk huk huk huk huk waaaaaaa!!!!
then we went to Superstore to get stuffs for our bbq/picnic the next day
movie nite 2:American Pie 3 Beta House

yeah, bbq/picnic on Sunday!
the plan was to go to Prince's Island downtown n have bbq there but due to shortage of manpower we decided to just bbq the satay in the oven n fried the chicken wings
nonetheless it was a jolly good time
we ate, laugh, watch Perfume: The Story of A Murderer, curl our hairs, go outside n basking in the sun's warmth

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i made this!

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kebab by nisa

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satay also got wan~

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njoying the warm 13 degrees outdoors
-east coast ppl dun be jelous ah-

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miss blender, miss butcher n miss tart =)

curly me~
nice anot? am thinking of getting a permanent perm tis summer
wat u guys think? should i? or should i not?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

talk about....

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....TOTAL denial


in own lil lala land

Friday, March 21, 2008


i can see sumbody *cough* mayb more *cough* MISS my leave of absence
how suweeet lah u'ol

i was away for a whole week?
7 days without any post?

see how cardiorespi turn my life upside down?
this is why i hate this course
i was never good at it
i didn't get it the first time around n i still dun get it this second time around
seriusly i have issue with cardio n anything related to it!
rest assure cardiologist wouldn't have me as their colleague, ever!

nvrmind la, exam alreadi over n i dun wan to talk about it
just hope that i pass so i can go back this summer n go joli-joli-ing
*berangan mode*

ouh, look wat i found in FutureShop today

ngeeeeeeee~ happy
now, all i need is season 1 n then my collection will be complete...for now
*big big grin*

Thursday, March 20, 2008

holding my breath

never before have i felt under a lot of pressure to perform
never before i felt so overwhelmed
never had before the prospect of having to sit for an exam stressed me out
not even when i sit for high failure rate EOS 3 exam or the ultimate EOS 5 with unfinished cardio and respi chapter
but this Course 3 certifying final sumhow get the best of me
i broke down talking to my parents
never before i cry to my mum n dad over the hardship of studying medicine
usually i always manage to keep it together
but i guess being so far way is starting to take toll on me
i'm dreading the outcome next week
crossing my fingers n hoping for the best

Thursday, March 13, 2008

could it be.....

12th GE: A New Hope

13th GE: The BN Empire Strikes Back

possible eh looking at the current scenarios a week post GE back home?
Congratulations Opposition!
you just dig ur own future grave~

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

what i've become

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panda eyes r freaking hot!
i swear by it

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

you had me at Hello

i glance at you from behind her
u shyly glance back at me

i smiled
n u give me ur sweet innocent smile

though ur heart a bit broken
its was a music to my ear

i am tempted to kiss n hug u but ur mum wouldn't like dat
so i just playfully rumpled ur hair
n looked at u dearly

i couldn't bear the moment when we have to part
but u wave ur goodbye cheerfully
makes me all fuzzy inside

mayb i'll considered ur brood for my future
be good now, my sweet sweet Logan

Monday, March 10, 2008

lost time

the clock went forward an hour yesterday
i still don't get the whole daylight saving time hocus pocus n dun even bother to
enuf dat when it's time my clock regulate itself so i dun show up an hour early or late to any important class or event or wateva
an hour is a big a deal
in my case where 25 hrs a day is not enuf, losing an hour speaks volume
HUMONGOUS volume at dat
esp now wat's with exam just a week away
imagine yesterday waking up at 8 with sun burning on ur face n today the sun is just peeking thru
screwed up my circadian rhythm alright

Sunday, March 09, 2008

why am i not suprised?

all are aware n well-versed in wat happened yesterday in my beloved homeland
*pardon the time difference here, i'm still living my sunday when u folks in Malaysia alreadi hit by monday blues :p*
BIG BIG upsets

Kelantan was no suprise
i mean come on, Dr M for 20 yrs tried n fail, how would Pak Lah be any different?
clearly the Islam Hadhari thing is not working, Kelantanese knows better i must say
Penang was no suprise either some says
if ppl r tired of the old fellow, it beginning to sounds like Trg back in '99 GE
and Opposition finally got their Kedah
Selangor and Perak? i'm sure they didn't see dat one coming
no 2/3 majority this time
more bickering in Parliament perhaps?
that should be interesting
but dat beloved son-in-law wins and mark Bulat's word
he's gonna be a Menteri soon
*rosak rosak*

for you all have make ur voice heard!
~i dun vote so i shouldn't be talking much but i am so damn proud of my fellow Malaysian today~
dat should be one LOUD wake up call for the gov
and for the Opposition
this is not the time to boast on ur winnings
it's the start of a hard n true work for the ppl
or the history of 2004 GE repeats itself again
i called my dad n we were on this topic n he commented on Dr. M asking Pak Lah to be responsible on the fat lost by stepping down and i say "whose the successor then?his deputy kah?hancusssss....."
*matila kena tangkap msk ISA la pasni*

let me be clear that i am not supporting any sides here
i like the pre GE gov
they have done well in administering Malaysia
they even pay for my studies here
but it is good to have more opposing voices so dat they r being kept in check
i like the idea of them mentadbir but without 2/3 majority
this is hopefully be a good change
we'll see

on the side notes
a dear fren from my fantastic college yrs is getting a MRS title today!
the 1st from our class...
to Fiza n husband
semoga berbahagia ke anak cucu n beyond~
wedding gifts from me n Zaki wait ah
p/s:seb baik x jd guna black ink mase GE...cantik inai ko kawen nges nges nges

on the other side notes
my nenek sedara passed away yesterday (08/03/08) after months in coma from what i suspect diabetic induced
she had several surgeries since admission but her diabetes complicated everything
my datuk sedara (her husband) decided DNR for her after her heart stops twice last month
may her soul be with the ones He loves

Al-Fatihah too to my other college fren's father who passed away last week and my jr's father who passed away last month

Saturday, March 08, 2008

take a step back

This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
It's time to make our move, I'm shakin' off the rust
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years
Steady hands just take the wheel
Every glance is killing me
Time to make one last appeal for the life I lead

Stop and stare
I think I'm moving, but I go nowhere
Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Ohhh....Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can you see what I see

They're tryin' to come back, all my senses push
Untie the weight bags I never thought I could
Steady feet don't fail me now
I'm a run till you can't walk
But something pulls my focus out, and I'm standing down

Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah, I know that everyone get scared
But I've become what I can't be
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, you don't need
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah, I know that everyone get scared
I've become what I can't be
Oh, do you see what I see?

Friday, March 07, 2008

high maintenance?

so sorry guys...

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

story of YB

i really should stop writing about this but this clips are just so cynical
i promise, no more on politics after this

ubah gaya hidup
lifestyle? while all of us downgrading our lifestyle, all you YBs n cronies seems to be upgrading urs
*roll eyes*

*har har harun*

aiman tak kesahhhh

setem YB
u deserve it! big time, man!

YB vs blogger
"semua blogger adalah pembohong"
"dari 10,000 blogger yang menganggur, 8,000 adalah wanita "
so what? we women r liars n jobless??
u YBs can go die-lah!!!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

life or faith?

i watched this news sumwhen about last week on tv
[USATODAY report here]
cut story short is this pharmaceutical company called Baxter is recalling all their Heparin products because it is found unsafe. Heparin is widely used in surgery and cardiotherapy to prevent blood clot but what surprised me is dat the MAIN ingredient in heparin comes from PIG INTESTINES!!!
i dunno about other company's heparin but this one sure use that pinky animal
so if u r in US n just suffered from heart attack, for sure u gonna get this medication (Baxter supply half of the heparin in US) which is fine if u r not Muslim but wat if u r?
correct me if i'm wrong but it's not halal rite?so, as a Muslim wat would u do?do u decline it?but it could cause you ur life
i wonder from where the heparin used in Malaysia comes from?

more on Heparin here

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Monday, March 03, 2008

couldn't care less

if sumone ask me wat's going on in my homeland other than the upcoming election
i would be ""
i've stopped updating myself with wats happening in that homeland of mine

you see normally i read up The Star, NST n Berita Harian online every single day so dat i wouldn't be 'katak bawah tempurung' so to speak but since Pak Lah announce the dissolvement of Parliament and the ensuing GE, i just stop reading the papers
there's nothing to read except all the kempen-ing n bitching n ngutuk-ngutuk-ing between all the parties n oh yeah, how can i forget the sweet-sweet promises strewn all over n how 'my party is better than ur party' statement
*eyes rolling*
n how even the simplest of things all get twisted into the politics
uh, puh-leazeeeee

well, not being a big fan of politics i am coz i always thought dat politics is dirty but sometime back a friend point out that the politics itself is NOT dirty
it's the way the people plays it dat is dirty
kinda hard to see it dat way when the only politics u know is the dirty one
wat do u think?

Sunday, March 02, 2008


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"buai laju- laju, aku nak kawen dengan anak raja"

nice dream eh?
ishhhhh....what am i merepek-ing here?
i REALLY should be studying

Saturday, March 01, 2008

hear no evil

i dun know whether it just me or others also feel the same but somehow i found the word *pantat* n *puki* sounds degrading when referring to dat part of XX anatomy esp coming from the XY species mouth
there are better suited terms u can use wat?

i dun remember coming across such similar disrespectful names for XY part
n everyone busy talking about respect n equality
*roll eyes*